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Character Lineages and Nintendo games

Characters in the “Dice Pool” rules base are made by choosing a race and class and then choosing specific talents from those.  In Enchanted Kingdoms races have been replaced by “Lineages” in the core rule book. Your “Lineage” is the bloodline that you are able to use the powers from. However, this does not necessarily mean that it is the family that you are currently in. The bloodlines that you choose from are hundreds of years old and a person may manifest different abilities from their current family.  This can make for interesting interactions and motivations.  Also some Heritage talents could also be a curse that has been applied to the character. Either a monstrous beast form, or a small (mostly) harmless animal form, that the character transforms into could have been forced on your character. Or they could be magic inherited through their bloodline, it’s up to you; the player.

Currently there are 14 Primary Lineages that you can choose from. There is also the “Ancient Lineage,” but any character can also select the talents listed there in addition to their primary Lineage. The thought is that those traits are so old and the bloodline is so mixed everyone has the potential to manifest and use it. The ability to speak with animals, and choosing a small animal companion are two of the defining traits of the Ancient Lineage.

If you feel like 14 sounds daunting to choose from you are not alone.  I have heard from a number of people who have looked through the book in its current prototype state that there is perhaps too many Lineage choices. I have selected 5 of those Lineages that could be moved into future expansions. I must admit I really like them though and am struggling to pull the trigger and remove them from the book. Perhaps when I am able to get the project up on Kickstarter to pay for the art I will poll the backers and get their opinions.  If you would like to comment on your feelings on this too that would also work.

Yes you read that correctly. Expansions are in the works as well. Basically every great new idea that comes to me I jot down and set aside to work on when this core book is finished. Right now there are enough ideas for 2 solide expansions. 3 if I postpone those 5 finished Lineages.

With 6 classes and 15 Lineages that means 90 possible combinations. But this does not include the fact that there are different class and Lineage talents to choose from. Which means that even if 2 characters have the same lineage/class combination, they may not have the same talents and abilities.

In other news I have come to understand people’s anger with Nintendo from last year this last week as I have been constantly denied the ability to buy an SNES Mini classic on multiple occasions by mere moments.  I would really like to own one since it has so many games that I love on it. However, I am coming to terms with the fact that I will not be able to get one. The kicker for me is the fact that there is not enough supply specifically because Nintendo chose not to make enough. I am honestly reconsidering my plans to save up for a switch as well. I am just disappointed that Nintendo would prefer to not make enough of a product to allow people that want it the chance to buy it.

I love Earthbound and Yoshi’s Island, I have always meant to play Super Metroid, Super Mario World, and Star Fox.  If you know me outside of this blog you already know that I am a huge Megaman X fan. But the clincher for me is Secret of Mana. Secret of Mana is one of my favorite games of all time, and it has influenced my thoughts fantasy worlds, ever since I rented it from Blockbuster all those years ago. You can see the influences of the bright colors and mixture of scary and cuddlier monsters present itself in Enchanted Kingdoms design. Or at least you will be able to, when there is art.  I often listen to the Secret of Mana soundtrack while working on Enchanted Kingdoms.  I have even run games based in that “world” in the past using D&D 4th edition rules. I am unsure how I feel about the recently announced cgi remake of it for playstation 4/vita. I am a big fan of sprite based games and am not 100% sold on the new art. But it’s something at least. Maybe one day I will make a conversion for Dice Pool.

I will be trying to get my business entity legally created here in the near future and I am working on some products that I can release digitally, while I continue to polish and finalize Enchanted Kingdoms. I will post more information when I am closer to a release, basically a real announcement when there is something more concrete to announce.  Also my family and I will be moving to a new house on the 15th of next month. My posts may be a little sporadic, ie maybe not on the same day(s) every week, while we pack/move/unpack but I will try to stick to my goal of once per week minimum.  


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