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Quick update

Just a quick small update to not fail to post on only my second day.

RpgaDay #9 What is a good game to play for 10 sessions?  I think any game can be a good game for a set number of sessions as long as you have a plan for them. Dungeon world and Dungeons and Delvers black book all have 10 level caps that mean you could level up each session for fun. Also the old Eden studios Buffy the Vampire Slayer has a serialized story plan built into its rules.  Plus it doesnt use levels at all, isntead players by individual upgrades with smaller chunks of exp.  This allows for a more organic growth even in a constrained number of games

Also continuing on the "if its not broken should you fix it" topic I am moving into the area of classes.  Enchanted Kingdoms will have six classes in the core rule book, with other classes planned for future releases.  The six classes are:







I have chosen to use these classes in part because of how their names affect your approach to the class and the world. Honestly the classes in a game can greatly inform a player about the feel of the world and game system. Over the next few days/posts I will discuss each one of them individually.


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