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Crossroads and synthwave

Man, so missing Monday really threw off my groove. Also moving is the worst, I totally forgot how much the worst it is. More specifically packing in a cramped apartment is no fun, especially with sick children. Luckily our new place will be a house and somewhere we can plan to stay for a long time.
Besides the 2 Reflections of the Enchanted lands there are 3 other magical realms. These are much smaller in size, not spanning the equivalent of the entire world. Instead, these smaller realms connect to the enchanted lands through portals. Multiple portals from different reagions of the world all converge within these realms allowing those who can find and use them the ability to travel large distances very quickly. Because of these aspects these smaller realms have been named Crossroads.  Each of the crossroads also has its own distinct name. They are in order of age; Nevara, Irundew, and Ozerro.  Each crossroad has sections that are connected to the Brightwylds and sections that are connected to the Duskmoores.  (I like Duskmoores a lot more than Duskfalls but am still open for more suggestions.)
To understand this more directly, let’s look at the oldest of the crossroads, which happens to be the most well-known: Nevara. The Nevara Crossroad also has one of the only stationary portals that allowing access to a crossroad, which has helped it to be the most well-known. Unfortunately that portal is found in the night sky north east of Sevrin, the clock work city. Upon reaching Nevara you can see that it is an island chain surrounded by a few miles of ocean. There is a small Merfolk village underneath the cliffs in one of the islands, and a small Wind Painter village on the largest island’s meadows.  Pirates prowl the waters, both human and monstrous.  Within the natural caves of the islands there are pathways down to this exotic realm of dangerous flora and fauna. This realm of monsters exists in magically maintained bubbles and caverns below the waves. The water gives off a soft blue ambient light and most of the life is also bioluminescent. In addition to that luminescence the color pallet is filled with neon and fluorescent hues.
As previously mentioned scattered throughout all these areas, above and below the waves, there are  hidden portals to the Brightwylds and the Duskmoores.    These portals generally do not have a fixed and exact location but are usually found near the location of a portal between the Enchanted Lands and the Crossroad.
Next week I will give a little information on one of the other 2 crossroads and the Class whose powers resonate with the crossroads; the Messenger.
I have been listening to a lot of “New Retro Wave” music on youtube. As a child of the 80s I definitely am stuck with a nostalgia filter on this genre, but I have really been enjoying it. My favorite album is “Scandroid.” Check it out. It’s even better sped up, 1.25 is what’s available on youtube but I bet 1.15 would be better if you have the ability to fiddle with your music. Either way check it out if that sounds like good listening to you. 

There is a link to his bandcap page on youtube if you want to download the music. 


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