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Eating my words and a bunch of pictures

Super nerdy post this week, most of my time is going to packing and studying.  But some cool stuff happened that I am excited about. There is some Enchanted Kingdoms art at the end if you want to skip to that.

A little over a week and Nintendo, and their friends, are making me eat my words. So in light of the recent announcement of the extension of the production of the mini SNES systems I have been proven wrong. Also they have announced Octopath traveler, a Square Enix game that I am trying to keep my excitement for under control.  At this point I am back on board wanting a Switch, and SNES mini.  Dang it Nintendo. Going to have to save up for those.

Unfortunately, I dont have time to fight with blogger and get the images to line up the way i want, so i am sorrry for then all lining up in the center.  Last week Hasbro showed off the newest Optimus Prime toy. It can transform into a cartoon accurate Orion Pax:  which can combine with the trailer to form an impressive Leader sized Optimus Prime.

They also announce the dinobot combiner Volcanicus. I prefer the name Dinostator myself for a dinobot combiner but it looks pretty cool I guess.
  The main thing I am really excited for in this upcoming year of transformers though is Rodimus Prime.


It is a smaller Hot Rod that can transform between robot and car modes as well as combine with a Space-Winnebago trailer to be Rodimus Prime. Rodimus is the figure from the new "Power of the Primes" line that I am definitely going to buy immediately when it's available. Lots of people dislike Hotrod/Rodimus, maybe I will do a post on why I like him in spite of his many flaws.

I liked suggesting music last week so I am including the single from the Transformers tribute band Cybertronic Spree. This is their original single Cybertronic Warrior. It’s very 80s and I really enjoy it.

Moving and class are taking up an enormous amount of my time but I am really really excited to have a desk I can study and write at in the new house. I am planning to set aside like an hour a day to study and to write. Once I pass my class that will be 100% time for finishing the book.  I don’t have much more time today for this post but here are some images I have from the first artist working on Enchanted Kingdoms; Joanna Jones. The characters are:

Marina the Merfolk Knight

Cole A beast Shifter Thief

And his beast form

Lianna the Enchantress

And Kiersten the Messenger


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