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End of radio silence

I am finally back! After having my most viewed post ever I then go radio silent for 3 weeks. That was a major bummer. Things have been pretty crazy on my end. We are now in the new house, surrounded by somewhat less boxes and trying to figure out where we put a bunch of our day to day stuff hahaha. Also for the last few weeks I have been having two days of 4 hour classes after work instead of one day. That meant double the amount of material I needed to cover in my out of class time. So yeah, I was a little bit busy.
Recently at the Tokyo Game Show they had a Megaman panel that was supposed to be 30th anniversary celebration. I heard about the panel right before it happened. I held back my expectations because I have been disappointed before and that was a good thing.

After still being disappointed I have been trying to figure out why I was disappointed, this is the same treatment Megaman has been getting for the last 6years. What was different this time? The difference now, I concluded, is that the time was actually right to announce a new title. The Nintendo Switch is killing it in sales and that is being driven by some of the gaming icons that are good old Megaman’s contemporaries. Link, Mario, and Samus are all major selling points of the switch. The market is ripe for a return to force by old franchises. So I guess I am disappointed because I have not yet reached the acceptance stage of grief?
I am excited to get back to work on some tabletop stuff. I have not been working on that project I mentioned previously as much as I wanted but I am going to talk about it anyways.  I am working on some additional classes that will be compatible with the Dungeons & Delvers games; both the D20 and the Dice Pool versions.  The final copy of the Dungeons and Delvers book will be out soon and the classes will be able to be used in that book, and with Enchanted Kingdoms upon it’s release. I am hoping this will allow me to get my name out there and some small cash flow going to pay for the parts of E.K. that will cost money right away. Things like creating an LLC and paying artists.
The classes that I am currently working on are inspired by anime and video games.  I am working on a Gunblade Mage, which as the name sounds is magic caster that utilizes a bullet shell casting system and a gun, with a blade on it. It will be similar to a Swordmage in the way that it works, if you are familiar with that class. The second class I am working on also has a gun; sort of. It is based on the God Eater show and games where the character wields a living weapon that can convert between melee, ranged, and shield forms. The class also draws heavily from the “Organic” based abilities of the Gunner Dungeon World class I worked on with David from Awful Good Games.  Finally I am working on a class that I am currently calling a “Dervish” that fights with two weapons.  This is noteworthy because the class will allow the player to attack more than once in a round, where the current Dungeons and Delvers rules simply have the player roll one attack and then roll their damage twice and selecting the better roll for the damage. Hopefully those sound cool to some people. Next week I will have a preview from Enchanted Kingdoms and look back at Transformers and Gobots from my childhood. See you then!



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